July 7, 2010

365 days

I love you Benn.
Thank youu
for being there for me when I need you the most
for making me feel better about myself everytime I have doubts.
for putting up with my endless tantrums when I have depression
for loving me, for who I am.

Maybe this love won't last, maybe tomorrow I won't be around, maybe one day death comes knocking by the door.


Perhaps this love will last. Maybe tomorrow I am around, annoying the bits out of you. Maybe death will come later in future.

Who knows, kan? We can't predict the future, unlike Paul the Octopus. :p

I love you anyway. As long as we are here, loving each other, with the imperfections and silly fights and laughing at silly jokes, I'm glad I choose you. :)

Thanks hun, for everything. I love you.


amero said...

i love u more dear :)

Putri Ramlan said...

awww.. i almost posted the same title like urs, adik. tapi takpe, pls wait for my entry this 22nd july. :D

Syafy. said...

Benn ;
<3<3 ILYSM. :)

Sis ;
ye ke? :) can't wait!

zainabzawawi said...

damn girl ! this entry is just the sweetest !!! :)

Syafy. said...

awww. thanks nab. :)