August 29, 2010


I am indeed a Procrastinator. A Pro-tor. (Lazy bum). I have 2 more assignments and 1 slide show to hand over tomorrow and here I am, downloading god-knows-when-songs-definitely-not-latest and lazing around with my cat. Okay. Our cat. Totee. She's adorable. Did I tell youu people she drinks from a cup/glass and she loves our Raya Biscuits. She's practically in the kitchen sniffing for our biscuits and cookies whenever she's out of her cage. Boo is her son, a very unique one. He's cheeky and adorable but afraid of people and the grass T_T I have a cat that is terrified of the grass. Lame Boo, very LAME. Sigh.

It's gonna rain soon. I hope. I'm darn sleepy. My sleeping pattern these days are absolutely absurd. I'm up around 5 and at 8 again when for a fact that I wasnt sleeping the night before. I think I have insomnia. T_T Lame Syafrah, very LAME. Sigh.

I'm in a bad mood lately. Post PMS? Darn it. No such thing.
I want my world to be stress-free, happy, cartoonized and fun all the way.

But life shits on everyone. Demit.

p.s : i'm a chatterbox. my parents is convinced that i swallow a microphone accidentally when i'm younger thus the loud voice and endless conversations about mainly nothing. sigh. off to do my assignments. hello stress. goodbye fun.

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