Lama betul tak update blog ni. Banyak benda jadi. But it's okay. This time nak cerita banyak banyak so sit down, grab a drink and relax. I'm starting my bebelan. :)
My siblings and I ni salu je borak kat Facebook sebab jarang jumpa. So bila ada masa and semua free, kitorang meet up untuk breakfast, lepak lepak mamak. And recent activity was Bowling Day with the sibs. (Not so recent, either hujung Nov or awal Dec)
Semua meet up at Tony Roma's dekat E@Curve. Masa ni memang lapar but kena lah bergambar dulu since my sis ada 'gadget' baru. Ehem :)

My BIL and my look-alike sis. Rasyad takmau tengok camera. Sheesh.

Tukang belanja and tuan empunya camera. Thank youu Azul sbb belanja makan! :D

We've just arrived. Posing dulu then baru order. Perangai

Nak tau what I love to eat whenever makan kat TR? (When BIL's belanja makan of course, harap sendiri beli memang lepas tu makan maggi 4 bulan jawabnya)

Yeahh. Ribs!
Bila dah kenyang and puas hati, off we go for a ''small tournament'' among us at the Bowling Alley. Berebut bola bowling la, bising nak air la, eh takde stokin la, berebut kerusi and much more. Kitorang paling bising kat situ. Tsk.

''Pro Bowler's'' in action. My nine year old niece plays better than me T_T

L2R : 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 3rd. and niece.

Ni gaya orang frust sebab baling bola masuk longkang. I feel you Adik. I feel you.

This is our scoreboard keeper.

''Mama, I'm tired''

Kecoh kecoh sebab other team tengah leading. We all tak puas hati.

Told ya we look alike