October 20, 2010

Toilet Whisperer

18102010. We, the Toilet Whisperer went for a little road trip to Malacca after endless of discussions before our finals till the very day itself. Options from Genting to FRIM to Sg Congkak to PD and finally everyone decided to go to Malacca.

What's with the name? Oh well. I know it's not glamorous or anything but it's really catchy and there's a lil story behind it. And we love it!

The Toilet Whisperer minus the guy in the red shirt.
L2R : Sapiki. Ila. Ama. Fana. Me. Aida. Mira. Harith. (He's a senior)


We LOVE to gossip anywhere, everywhere.

This is how Malacca welcome us. Boo!

Work it girls! oh. and you too Sapik.

Our lil Johnny. We love him!

We're so darn tired and hungry and simply exhausted. Hence the face.

I love you guys! :D

Can't wait for the 2nd trip! :D

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