''What do you want right now Syafrah?''
Aku jawab pada dia ;
I want to be healthy, I want to excel in my studies, I want certain things to go smoothly, I want my dad to be healthy and happy, I want my family to be happy macam dulu dulu, I want to see my mama in my dreams, I want my nieces and nephews to grow up, happy and be the lil incredibles. I want my life to be blessed. I want money, to pay my loans and such. I want to have a great job, the one that I won't be stuck in traffic every evening and I want to have a business on my own.
Dia gelak.
''Syafrah, what do you really want right now?. One thing saja''
''Alaaa. Not fair. Only satuuu? Can be fiction tak?''
''Mana boleh. It must be in reality form lah''
''Reality? It sucks la weh''
''Okayyy FINE. Fiction then''
''Aku nak kahwin''
''Palotak kau. Bebetul la. Itu reality la bangang''
''Betul ape. Fiction lah kalau sekarang''
''Syafrah Ashadi!!''
Lama aku diam.
''What I really want right now is for my love ones to be happy and healthy. Even if gantikan sakit dan unhappiness dorang tu pada aku.''