You're gonna tell everyone that you're a victim anyway. Pathetic.
All I can do now is pray hard for Allah to show his guidance for all of us. And believe that EVERYTHING that happened ada hikmahnya.
But I won't lie to you.
I don't know how much longer I can take with this attitude that dia kena terima, kena telan. I don't know how much longer I can keep my mouth shut every time you're around, pretending like NOTHING ever happened. I dont know how much longer will it take for you to realize that one day the truth will finally be reveal.
Air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya.
I'm not the kind of person who'd get into a fight just to prove something/anything.
I'm also not the kind of person that duduk tepi diam diam while all this things are happening.
Allah Maha Adil.
Then u nak fight ke to prove a point ke tak? hahaha, nak ke taknak? nak taknak, tak nak nak? :p
InsyaAllah when the day comes, I will fight for what is right.
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